Operation Art of Recovery (OAR) is a therapeutic art program developed by Killeen Creators. Our mission is to draw our military and artist communities together to create spaces and opportunities for hope & healing through art, nature & creativity.
Operation Art of Recovery is specifically made for veterans, active duty soldiers and family/caregivers of those who serve. The program is carried out over the span of 7 weeks and consists of six sessions each term.
The art sessions are taught by veteran and professional artist, Perry Draper. He is assisted by AmeriCorps volunteers who are veterans themselves trained in Peer Support.
ALL active duty soldiers, veterans, family members and caregivers are eligible for this program. There are NO required fees for OAR members and you do not have to be an artist to join.
Funding for this program is made possible through grants by the National Endowment for the Arts Creative Forces division and the Mid-America Arts Alliance. The Creative ForcesⓇ: NEA Military Healing Arts Network is an initiative of the National Endowment for the Arts which partners with the U.S. Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs.
If you are interested in joining O.A.R., please click on this link to register.